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Help! Who Should I Call?


You know that feeling when using new software for your computer that you don’t understand or it suddenly freezes: you wait a while, get frustrated, the problem is still there and you just want to throw away the computer.

At the Foreign Trade Division (FTD), we want you to avoid that feeling when filing your Electronic Export Information (EEI) through the Automated Export System (AES), especially if you just registered and it’s your first time submitting your export data. For that, we have different resources available while preparing and submitting your EEI, so it can be a breeze and avoid the anxiety that occurs.

The first tools are the Sample Shipments documents available on the AESDirect.gov website. These documents offer a detailed walkthrough on what is needed to complete and submit the EEI, no matter if they are using AESDirect or AESPcLink. These are especially useful for first-time filers.

If you want to go into more details on how to submit through AES, you can also view the User Guides. The User Guides for AESDirect, AESPcLink, and the Account Administrator go into more detail on how to prepare and transmit your EEI and how to provide maintenance to your account.

The AESDirect website also has the Support Center area that includes links to our documents and to a section called Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). This is the best place to check first if you have a question while filing on AES. The FAQs cover diverse themes; from the meanings of the AES Response messages to how to report your commodity items.

Even with all these resources available, we understand that you may have very specific questions. To assist you, we have the FTD Call Center that can be reached by calling 800-549-0595. When calling, you may select any of the options; either to help when filing on AES (Option 1), when trying to classify your commodities (option 2), or if you’re not clear on a regulation issue (option 3). Each of our offices can also be reached by email: AES ( askaes@census.gov ), Commodity Analysis ( ftd.scheduleb@census.gov ) or the Regulations, Outreach, and Education Branch ( ftdregs@census.gov ).

We understand that learning about AES and adapting your company’s practices for the first time requires time and practice. For your convenience, we have helpful resources available so you can get it right the first try and, after finishing the EEI submission, just relax.

Page Last Revised - April 14, 2022
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