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Memorandum 2020.03: Documentation of Updates to the Update Leave Operation

Memorandum 2020.03

This memorandum documents specific updates that have been made to the plan for the Update Leave operation since the release of the Update Leave (UL) Detailed Operational Plan (DOP) on June 25, 2018. Over the last year, planning changes in other areas of the decennial census have resulted in modifications and updates to the UL workload universe. In particular, a change was made to the Military Type of Enumeration Area (TEA), as documented in the Memo Series and released on July 5, 2019. The Military Type of Enumeration Area (TEA 5) was removed from the 2020 Census. Subsequently a decision was made to integrate certain military installations into the UL Universe.

There were minimal operational impacts due to the introduction of Military TEAs/Installations into the UL workload. A detailed summary of the impacts and the locations of documentation within the UL DOP that is now outdated and what the updates would be is presented below. There will not be an additional publication of the UL DOP prior to the 2020 Census.

Addition of Military TEA 5 Updates

The addition of certain Military TEAs/Installations into the UL Universe requires only text updates to the DOP. Internal Military enumeration procedure documents were consulted to determine where updates would be required. The updated bold text would appear on the following pages:

  1. Page 45 of the DOP will be updated as such: “Field Infrastructure (FLDI) contractors will develop the classroom training materials, online course modules, and documents for special procedures for certain assignment types.”
  2. Page 52 of the DOP will be updated as such: “Some Basic Collection Unit (BCU) assignments may be located within military installations. Enumerators who receive work assignments in these areas will receive additional training, job aides, and guidance on any deviations from standard UL Field procedures.
  3. Page 53 of the DOP will be updated as such: “Enumerators who will work military assignments will need preliminary steps performed prior to arriving at the BCU and beginning to list. The preparation requires the following components:

    Phone Call Contact - A census worker will contact the military Point of Contact (POC) by phone 60 days and 30 days in advance of a 2020 Census operation visit. During the call, the census worker will attempt to schedule the best days and times that the census staff could be escorted on and around the military installation.

    Informing the POC - The census worker may provide an estimate on the number of incoming staff, expected workload size, and work duration to the installation POC.

  4. Page 55 of the DOP will be updated as such, “When working assignments within military installations, enumerators will collect only a manual map spot in a general location within the BCU. The map spots will be placed in a location within the BCU that does not represent the location of the actual addresses. This procedure ensures confidentiality for the individual address while still maintaining the address to BCU connection.
  5. An update to a table that provided the workload estimates by TEA is also required.

Comprehensive Figure or Table Updates

1. Page 18 of Comprehensive Document. Table 2: Post 2017 TEA Delineation Estimates (Page 9 of the DOP). The table title, counts, and percentages have been updated based on the final TEA delineation, which occurred in the summer of 2019.

Table 1: 2019 TEA Delineation Totals

In addition to changes to account for changes in TEA delineation, a clarification to another table is required.

2. Page 22 of Comprehensive Document. Table 3: Comparison of UL in 2010 Census versus 2020 Census (Page 13 of DOP) regarding number of contact attempts at each housing unit (HU).

The text for Row 6: “Contact Method or Type” in the UL in 2010 column should read “HUs where a response was not received were added to the NRFU universe.” This addition clarifies that this is not a difference between the 2010 Census and the 2020 Census. The updated table would appear as below.

Table 2: Comparison of UL in 2010 Census versus 2020 Census

The 2020 Census Memorandum Series

The 2020 Census Memorandum Series documents significant decisions, actions, and accomplishments of the 2020 Census Program for the purpose of informing stakeholders, coordinating interdivisional efforts, and documenting important historical changes.

A memorandum generally will be added to this series for any decision or documentation that meets the following criteria:

  1. A major program level decision that will affect the overall design or have significant effect on 2020 Census operations or systems.
  2. A major policy decision or change that will affect the overall design or significantly impact 2020 Census operations or systems.
  3. A report that documents the research and testing for 2020 Census operations or systems.

Visit 2020census.gov to access the Memorandum Series, the 2020 Census Operational Plan, and other information about preparations for the 2020 Census.

Page Last Revised - March 29, 2022
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