The U.S. Census Bureau developed this inventory of content as required by Section 207(f)(2) of the E-Government Act of 2002. This inventory is intended to be comprehensive.
This document was posted December 1, 2005 and will be updated as required by the E-Government Act of 2002. Last revised October 31, 2014.
For more information about the content inventory and the E-Gov Act, please visit these links:
Category | Priority | Release Schedule |
2000 Census data | 1 | Decennially |
2010 Census data | 1 | Decennially |
Academic Libraries Survey | 1 | Biennially |
Advance Report on Durable Goods-Manufacturers’ Shipments and Orders (M3) | 1 | Monthly |
Advanced Monthly Retail Trade Survey (MARTS) | 1 | Monthly |
American Community Survey | 1 | Annually |
American Housing Survey | 1 | Biennially |
Annual Capital Expenditures Survey (ACES) | 1 | Annually |
Annual Retail Trade Survey (ARTS) | 1 | Annually |
Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM) | 1 | Annually |
Annual Wholesale Trade Survey (AWTS) | 1 | Annually |
Business Expenses Supplement | 1 | Quinnquennially |
Census of Governments | 1 | Quinnquennially |
Commodity Flow Survey Series | 1 | Quinnquennially |
Construction Put in Place | 1 | Monthly |
Construction Spending | 1 | Monthly |
Directory Survey of Local Governments | 1 | Quinnquennially |
Economic Census | 1 | Quinnquennially |
Economic Census of Island Areas | 1 | Quinnquennially |
Enterprise Statistics Program | 1 | Periodically |
Federal Audit Clearinghouse (FAC) | 1 | Daily |
Governments Integrated Directory | 1 | Quinnquennially |
Information and Communication Technology Survey (ICTS) | 1 | Annually |
International Trade in Goods and Services | 1 | Monthly |
La Encuesta sobre la Comunidad Estadounidense | 1 | Annually |
Local Government School System Finance Survey | 1 | Quinnquennially |
Manufactured Housing Survey (MHS) | 1 | Monthly |
Manufacturers Shipments, Inventories and Orders (M3) | 1 | Monthly |
Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales (MTIS) | 1 | Monthly |
Monthly Retail Trade Survey (MRTS) | 1 | Monthly |
Monthly Wholesale Trade Survey (MWTS) | 1 | Monthly |
New Residential Construction | 1 | Monthly |
New Residential Sales | 1 | Monthly |
Nonresidential Construction Put in Place Geographic Series | 1 | Annual |
Population and Housing Census | 1 | Decennially |
Population Estimates | 1 | Annually |
Preliminary Steel Release | 1 | Monthly |
Profile of U.S. Exporting Companies | 1 | Monthly |
Quarterly Financial Report (QFR) | 1 | Quarterly |
Quarterly Services Survey (QSS) | 1 | Quarterly |
Residential Finance Survey (RFS) | 1 | Decennially |
Service Annual Survey (SAS) | 1 | Annually |
Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates (school district) | 1 | Annual |
State Government Tax Collectors Survey | 1 | Annually |
State Level Agencies Survey | 1 | Annually |
State Library Agencies Survey | 1 | Annually |
Survey of Business Owners and Self-Employed Persons (SBO) | 1 | Quinnquennially |
Survey of Business Owners Series | 1 | Quinnquennially |
U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services - Annual Revision | 1 | Annually |
American Time Use Survey (ATUS) | 2 | Annually |
Annual Survey of Local Government Finances | 2 | Annually |
Annual Survey of Public Employment and Payroll (APES) | 2 | Annually |
Annual Survey of Public Pensions | 2 | Annually |
Annual Survey of State and Local Government Finances | 2 | Annually |
Annual Survey of State Government Tax Collections (STC) | 2 | Annually |
Building Permits Final Annual State & Local Estimates | 2 | Annually |
Building Permits Revised Data with State & Local Estimates | 2 | Monthly |
Building Permits Final Annual State & Local Estimates | 2 | Annually |
Building Permits Revised Data with State & Local Estimates | 2 | Monthly |
Business and Professional Classification Survey (SQ-CLASS) | 2 | Quarterly |
Business Dynamics Statistics | 2 | Annually |
Business Research Development and Innovation Survey (BRDIS) | 2 | Annually |
Construction Put in Place Final Annual Data | 2 | Annual |
Construction Put in Place Length of Time | 2 | Annual |
Consumer Expenditure Diary Survey | 2 | Annually |
Consumer Expenditure Quarterly Survey | 2 | Quarterly |
Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE) | 2 | Annually |
County Business Patterns (CBP) | 2 | Annually |
Current Population Survey (CPS) | 2 | Monthly, Annually |
E-commerce multi-sector E-Stats Report | 2 | Annually |
Exports from Manufacturing Establishments | 2 | Annually |
Finances of Public Employee Retirement Systems | 2 | Quarterly |
Geographic Area Series | 2 | Periodically |
Governments Master Address File | 2 | Periodically |
HIV/AIDS Database | 2 | Annually |
Housing Starts and Completions by Purpose and Design | 2 | Quarterly |
Housing Vacancy Survey (HVS) | 2 | Quarterly, Annually |
Identity Theft Supplement | 2 | Biennially |
Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage: YYYY (P60) | 2 | Annual (August) |
International Database of Population Estimates and Projections (IDB) | 2 | Annually |
Management and Organizational Practices Survey (MOPS) | 2 | Periodically |
Manufactured Housing Annual Supplements | 2 | Annual |
Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders Unfilled Orders Survey (M3UFO) | 2 | Annually |
Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS) | 2 | Periodically |
Market Absorption of New Multifamily Units | 2 | Quarterly |
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey - Insurance Component (MEPS-IC) | 2 | Annually |
National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) | 2 | Annually |
National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) | 2 | Annually |
National Health Interview Survey (NHIS | 2 | Annually |
National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS) | 2 | Annually |
National Household Education Survey (NHES) | 2 | Biennially |
National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG) | 2 | Biennially |
National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife Associated Recreation (FHWAR) | 2 | Quinnquennially |
National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS) | 2 | Biennially |
New Homes Sold by Price and Financing | 2 | Quarterly |
New Housing Characteristics | 2 | Annual |
New York City Housing Vacancy Survey (NYCHVS) | 2 | Triennially |
Nonemployer Statistics | 2 | Annually |
Police Public Contact Survey (PPCS) | 2 | Triennially |
Population Projections | 2 | Biennially |
Preliminary Profile of Exporting Companies | 2 | Annually |
Price Index of New Homes Sold | 2 | Quarterly |
Price Indexes of New Homes Under Construction | 2 | Monthly |
Principal Follow-up Survey (PFS) | 2 | Biennially |
Private School Universe Survey (PSS) | 2 | Biennially |
Public School System Finances | 2 | Annually |
Puerto Rico Community Survey | 2 | Annually |
Quarterly Retail E-Commerce Sales | 2 | Quarterly |
Quarterly Summary of State and Local Government Tax Revenue (QTAX) | 2 | Quarterly |
Quarterly Survey of Plant Capacity Utilization (QPC) | 2 | Quarterly |
Quarterly Survey of Public Pensions | 2 | Quarterly |
Quarterly Workforce Indicators (QWI) | 2 | Quarterly |
Rental Housing Finance Survey (RHFS) | 2 | Biennial |
Report of Organization (COS) | 2 | Annually |
Research and Development Link Program | 2 | Annually |
Residential Construction Length of Time | 2 | Annually |
School Crime Supplement (SCS) | 2 | Biennially |
School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS) | 2 | Biennially |
Small Area Health Insurance Estimates | 2 | Annually |
Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates (state & county) | 2 | Annual |
Statistics of U.S. Businesses | 2 | Annually |
Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) | 2 | Every 4 years |
Survey of Market Absorption of New Multifamily Units (SOMA) | 2 | Quarterly, Annually |
Teacher Follow-Up Survey (TFS) | 2 | Biennially |
Telephone Point of Purchase Survey (TPOPS) | 2 | Periodically |
U.S. Profile of Importing and Exporting Companies | 2 | Annually |
ZIP Code Business Patterns | 2 | Annually |
Alternative Income Estimates in the U.S.: YYYY (P60) | 3 | Annually |
Alternative Poverty Estimates in the U.S.: YYYY (P60) | 3 | Annually |
Related Party Trade | 3 | Annually |
SOMA - Quarterly Report (H130) | 3 | Quarterly |
One-time reports and publications based on demographic data, dealing with income, poverty, health insurance, etc. | 4 | As available, unless otherwise required by law |