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Children's Health Insurance: 1995


  • 9.8 million children under the age of 18 had no health insurance at any time in 1995; this is 13.8 percent of all children. Statistically, these estimates are similar to the 1994 estimates of 10.0 million and 14.2 percent, respectively.
  • Uninsured rates for children by age group were not statistically different in 1995--13.3 percent of children less than 6, 13.5 percent of children 6 to 11, and 14.5 percent of those 12 to 17.
  • Hispanic children were far less likely to have health insurance than White or Black children, and Black children were less likely to have health insurance than White children: 26.8 percent of Hispanic children were without health insurance in 1995, 15.3 percent of Black children, and 13.4 percent of White children.
  • In 1995, 66.1 percent of all children were covered by a privately purchased or employment-based health plan.
  • Nearly 1 out of every 4 children was covered by Medicaid in 1995--23.2 percent of all children or 16.5 million.
  • Older children are less likely to have Medicaid coverage. Percentages of children covered by Medicaid in 1995, by age group were: 29.6 percent of children less than 6, 22.6 percent of children between 6 and 11, and 17.2 percent of children 12 to 17.
  • Significantly more Black and Hispanic children than White children were covered by Medicaid in 1995--45.4 percent of Black children, 37.4 percent of Hispanic children, and 18.3 percent of White children.
  • 3.1 million (or 21.4 percent of) poor children were without health insurance in 1995. Poor children comprised one-third of all uninsured children in 1995 (32.0 percent).
  • Over a 28-month period during 1992 to 1994, 30.0 percent of all children under the age of 18 lacked health insurance for at least 1 of the 28 months (20.4 million). 4.1 percent or 2.8 million children were uninsured for the entire 28-month period.


Page Last Revised - October 22, 2024
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