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Americans with Disabilities: 2014

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Report Number: P70-152


The Americans with Disabilities Act and other laws seek to ensure that the population with disabilities has the opportunity to access housing, education, employment, and other activities without discrimination. Many government organizations, advocacy groups, and the public at-large monitor the effectiveness of these laws.

This report provides estimates of disability prevalence in the United States. The term “disability” used in this report encompasses impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions a person may experience in their daily lives. This report uses two overall measures of disability status—nonsevere disability and severe disability. The disability estimates in this report are from the Social Security Administration (SSA) Supplement to the 2014 Survey of Income and Program Participation which collected data on people
who experience limitations in their ability to perform certain activities and the degree to which they experience these limitations.

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Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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