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2022 SIPP: Correction for Economic Impact Payment Inconsistencies

Approximately 600 person-level cases in the 2022 SIPP data are identified as having received Economic Impact Payments (EIP) at some point during the year but lack any months of identified receipt (and therefore any amounts for receipt).

To correct for this inconsistency, we recommend a logical imputation that assigns EIP receipt in January or March (ECVDMNYN), depending on which months a case is observed in the SIPP data and an additional logical imputation that uses the count of persons in the family (RFPERSONS) multiplied by the per-person benefit amount to estimate the value of the EIP (TCVD_AMT; month-specific amounts detailed below). More specifically, the following steps can be implemented:

  1. Identify cases where ECVD_EIP=1 or ECVD_EIP=3, but ECVDMNYN never has a value of one across all observations within a person (uniquely identified by SSUID + PNUM).
  2. In cases where a March record (MONTHCODE=3) exists in the data:
    • If the case has a value of ECVD_EIP=1 or ECVD_EIP=3 and no  months where ECVDMNYN=1, then set ECVDMNYN=1 and  ACVDMNYN=3 in MONTHCODE=3.
    • If the case has a value of ECVD_EIP=1 and no months where ECVDMNYN=1, then set TCVD_AMT=1400 × RFPERSONS and ACVD_AMT=3 in MONTHCODE=3. Those with ECVD_EIP=3 are not in universe for TCVD_AMT.
  3. In cases where a March record (MONTHCODE=3) does not exist in the data:
    • If the case has a value of ECVD_EIP=1 or ECVD_EIP=3 and no months where ECVDMNYN=1, then set ECVDMNYN=1 and ACVDMNYN=3 in MONTHCODE=1.
    • If the case has a value of ECVD_EIP=1 and no months where ECVDMNYN=1, then set TCVD_AMT=600 × RFPERSONS and ACVD_AMT=3 in MONTHCODE=1. Those with ECVD_EIP=3 are not in universe for TCVD_AMT.

Page Last Revised - July 6, 2023
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