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American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS), and Other Standardized Geographic Codes

American National Standards Institute (ANSI) codes are standardized numeric or alphabetic codes whose documentation is issued by ANSI to ensure uniform identification of geographic entities through all government agencies. ANSI oversees the issuance of the following two code series used by the Census Bureau: 1) InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS) codes, and 2) Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) codes.  INCITS codes are formerly known as Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) codes.  GNIS codes, referred to as the National Standards (NS) codes, were established by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and are assigned by them with INCITS and ANSI oversight.  The Census Bureau also assigns and issues codes for a number of geographic entities for which INCITS or GNIS codes are not available, and sometimes in addition to INCITS and GNIS codes.

The majority of the tables included on this webpage provide INCITS and GNIS codes, but there are four exceptions: 

  • The American Indian areas table provides 4-digit codes assigned and maintained by the Census Bureau. 
  • The county subdivisions and places tables provide the 5-digit Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS) codes, formerly referred to as FIPS55, assigned and maintained by the Census Bureau.  
  • The school district table provide the local education agency (LEA) codes assigned by the U.S. Department of Education. 
  • The voting district table includes codes assigned by individual states.

The USGS provides a tool for searching the Geographic Names Information System for National Standards codes.  It is linked to under "Other Resources" below.

Other Resources

  • INCITS Home Page
    • INCITS is the central U.S. forum dedicated to creating technology standards.   
  •  U.S. Board on Geographic Names – Domestic Names
    • The Geographic Names Information System (GNIS), maintained by the U.S. Board of Geographic Names, is the Federal and national standard for geographic nomenclature.
      • To look up a code used by the Census Bureau (including Census and Civil codes), click on the link above and then click “Search Domestic Names”.
      • To download codes used by the Census Bureau (including Census and Civil codes), click on the link above, click “Download Domestic Names”, and then click “State Files with Federal Codes”.
  • 2020
  • 2010

American Indian Areas

2020 Census codes for American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Areas (AIANNH).  Two tables are provided for download.  Both tables contain a complete listing of AIAs nationwide but use different structures.

  • AIANNH Table:  Contains a single record for every AIA in the nation sorted by "AIANNH".  When the AIA extends into multiple states, those states are listed in the “STATES” field.  In the example below the “Turtle Mountain Reservation” extends into Montana (MT), North Dakota (ND) and South Dakota (SD).
  • AIANNH by State Table:  Contains at least one record for every AIA in the nation sorted by "STATEFP" then "AIANNH".  When the AIA extends into multiple states, the table includes a separate record for each state.  In this table, the “Fort Mojave Reservation” requires 3 records, one each for AZ, CA, and NV.


Field Name Field Description Example
AIANNHCE American Indian Area code 4345
AIANNHNS American Indian Area NS code 01934334
AIANNHNAME American Indian Area name and legal/statistical area description Turtle Mountain Reservation
STATES State(s) postal abbreviation where this American Indian Area is located MT~ND~SD

AIANNH by State Table

Field Name Field Description Example
STATE State postal abbreviation CA
STATEFP State FIPS code 06
AIANNHCE American Indian Area code 1235
AIANNHNS American Indian Area NS code 00024003
AIANNHNAME American Indian Area name and legal/statistical area description Fort Mojave Reservation  

Congressional Districts

2020 Census codes for the 116th Congressional Districts sorted by "STATEFP" then "CDFP".

Field Name Field Description Example
STATE State postal abbreviation TX
STATEFP State FIPS code 48
CDFP 116th Congressional District FIPS code 06
CDNAME Congressional District name and legal/statistical area description Congressional District 6

County and County Equivalent Entities

2020 Census codes for Counties and County Equivalent Entities sorted by "STATEFP" then "COUNTYFP".

Field Name Field Description Example
STATE State postal abbreviation TX
STATEFP State FIPS code 48
COUNTYFP County FIPS code 041
COUNTYNS County NS code 01383806
COUNTYNAME County name and legal/statistical area description Brazos County
CLASSFP FIPS class code H1
FUNCSTAT Functional status A


FIPS Class Codes (CLASSFP)

  • H1:  Identifies an active county or statistically equivalent entity that does not qualify under subclass C7 or H6.
  • H4:  Identifies a legally defined inactive or nonfunctioning county or statistically equivalent entity that does not qualify under subclass H6.
  • H5:  Identifies census areas in Alaska, a statistical county equivalent entity.
  • H6:  Identifies a county or statistically equivalent entity that is coextensive in area or governmentally consolidated with an incorporated place, part of an incorporated place, or a consolidated city.
  • C7:  Identifies an incorporated place that is an independent of any county.

Functional Status Codes (FUNCSTAT)

  • A:  Identifies an active government providing primary general-purpose functions.
  • B:  Identifies an active government that is partially consolidated with another government but with separate officials providing primary general-purpose functions.
  • C:  Identifies an active government consolidated with another government with a single set of officials.
  • F:  Identifies a fictitious entity created to fill the Census Bureau's geographic hierarchy.
  • G:  Identifies an active government that is subordinate to another unit of government.
  • N:  Identifies a nonfunctioning legal entity.
  • S:  Identifies a statistical entity

County Subdivisions

2020 Census codes for County Subdivisions sorted by "STATEFP" then "COUNTYFP" then "COUSUBFP".

Field Name Field Description Example
STATE State postal abbreviation AR
STATEFP State FIPS code 05
COUNTYFP County FIPS code 131
COUNTYNAME County name and legal/statistical area description Sebastian County
COUSUBFP County subdivision FIPS code 91105
COUSUBNS County subdivision NS code 02805599
COUSUBNAME County subdivision name and legal/statistical area description Township 1
CLASSFP FIPS class code Z1
FUNCSTAT Functional Status N


FIPS Class Codes (CLASSFP):

  • T1:  Identifies an active county subdivision that is not coextensive with an incorporated place.
  • T5:  Identifies an active county subdivision that is coextensive with an incorporated place.
  • T9:  Identifies an inactive county subdivision.
  • Z1:  Identifies a nonfunctioning county subdivision.
  • Z2:  Identifies a county subdivision that is coextensive with an American Indian, Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian area and legally is independent of any other county subdivision.
  • Z3:  Identifies a county subdivision defined as an unorganized territory.
  • Z5:  Identifies a statistical county subdivision.
  • Z7:  Identifies a county subdivision that is coextensive with a county or equivalent feature or all or part of an incorporated place that the Census Bureau recognizes separately.
  • Z9:  Identifies a county subdivision not defined.
  • C2:  Identifies an active incorporated place that is legally coextensive with a county subdivision but treated as independent of any county subdivision.
  • C5:  Identifies an active incorporated place that is independent of any county subdivision and serves as a county subdivision equivalent.

Functional Status Codes (FUNCSTAT):

  • A:  Identifies an active government providing primary general-purpose functions.
  • B:  Identifies an active government that is partially consolidated with another government but with separate officials providing primary general-purpose functions.
  • C:  Identifies an active government consolidated with another government with a single set of officials.
  • F:  Identifies a fictitious entity created to fill the Census Bureau's geographic hierarchy,
  • G:  Identifies an active government that is subordinate to another unit of government.
  • I:  Identifies an inactive governmental unit that has the power to provide primary special-purpose functions.
  • N:  Identifies a nonfunctioning legal entity.
  • S:  Identifies a statistical entity.


2020 Census codes for Incorporated and Census Designated Places.  Two tables are provided for download.  Both tables contain a complete listing of “Places” nationwide but use different structures.

  • Place Table:  Contains a single record for every place in the state/nation sorted by "STATEFP" and then "PLACEFP".  When the place extends into multiple counties, those counties are listed in the “COUNTIES” field.  In the example below the “Fanning springs city” extends into Gilchrist and Levy Counties.
  • Place by County Table:  Contains at least one record for every place in the state/nation sorted by "STATEFP", then "COUNTYFP", and then "PLACEFP".  When the place extends into multiple counties, the table includes a separate record for each county.  In this table, “Millington town” requires 2 records, one each for Kent and Queen Anne’s Counties.

Field Name Field Description Example
STATE State postal abbreviation FL
STATEFP State FIPS code 12
PLACEFP Place FIPS code 21850
PLACENS Place NS code 02403596
PLACENAME Place name and legal/statistical area description Fanning Springs city
TYPE Place type Incorporated Place
CLASSFP FIPS class code C1
FUNCSTAT Legal functional status A
COUNTIES Name of county or counties in which this place is located Gilchrist County~~~ Levy County

Field Name Field Description Example
STATE State postal abbreviation MD
STATEFP State FIPS code 24
COUNTYFP County FIPS code 029
COUNTYNAME County name and legal/statistical area description Kent County
PLACEFP Place FIPS code 52825
PLACENS Place NS code 02391303
PLACENAME Place name and legal/statistical area description Millington town
TYPE Place type Incorporated Place
CLASSFP FIPS class code C1
FUNCSTAT Legal functional status A



  • C1:  Identifies an active incorporated place that does not serve as a county subdivision equivalent
  • C2:  Identifies an active incorporated place that is legally coextensive with a county subdivision but treated as independent of any county subdivision
  • C5:  Identifies an active incorporated place that is independent of any county subdivision and serves as a county subdivision equivalent
  • C6:  Identifies an active incorporated place that is partially independent of any county subdivision and serves as a county subdivision equivalent or partially coextensive with a county subdivision but treated as independent of any county subdivision
  • C7:  Identifies an incorporated place that is independent of any county
  • C8:  Identifies the balance of a consolidated city excluding the separately incorporated place(s) within that consolidated government
  • C9:  Identifies an inactive or nonfunctioning incorporated place
  • M2: Identifies a military or other defense installation entirely within a census designated place
  • U1: Identifies a census designated place with an official federally recognized name
  • U2:  Identifies a census designated place without an official federally recognized name


  • A:  Identifies an active government providing primary general-purpose functions
  • B:  Identifies an active government that is partially consolidated with another government but with separate officials providing primary general-purpose functions
  • F:  Identifies a fictitious entity created to fill the Census Bureau's geographic hierarchy
  • I:  Identifies an inactive governmental unit that has the power to provide primary special-purpose functions
  • N:  Identifies a nonfunctioning legal entity
  • S:  Identifies a statistical entity

School Districts

2020 Census LEA codes for School Districts sorted by "STATEFP" then "LEA".

Field Name Field Description Example
STATE State postal abbreviation PA
STATEFP State FIPS code 42
LEA School district local education agency code 02190
SDNAME School district name Allegheny Valley School District
SDTYPE School district type Unified

State Legislative District (Lower Chamber)

2020 Census codes for State Legislative Districts (Lower Chamber) sorted by: "STATEFP" then "SLDLST".

Field Name Field Description Example
STATE State postal abbreviation MN
STATEFP State FIPS code 27
SLDLST State Legislative district Lower Chamber code 11B
SLDLNAME State Legislative district Lower Chamber name State House District 11B

State Legislative District (Upper Chamber)

2020 Census codes for State Legislative Districts (Upper Chamber) sorted by: "STATEFP" then "SLDUST".

Field Name Field Description Example
STATE State postal abbreviation HI
STATEFP State FIPS code 15
SLDUST State Legislative district Upper Chamber code 007
SLDUNAME State Legislative district Upper Chamber name State Senate District 7

State and State Equivalents

2020 Census codes for State and State Equivalents sorted by "STATEFP".

Field Name Field Description Example
STATE State postal abbreviation VA
STATEFP State FIPS code 51
STATENS State NS code 01779803
STATE_NAME State name Virginia

State FIPS Codes for Outlying Areas of the United States and the Freely Associated States
Area Name State FIPS Code State Postal Abbreviation Status
American Samoa 60 AS 1
Federated States of Micronesia 64 FM 3
Guam 66 GU 1
Marshall Islands 68 MH 3
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands 69 MP 1
Palau 70 PW 3
Puerto Rico 72 PR 1
U.S. Minor Outlying Islands 74 UM 2
U.S. Virgin Islands 78 VI 1


  1. Under U.S sovereignty
  2. An aggregation of nine U.S. territories: Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway Islands, Navassa Island, Palmyra Atoll, and Wake Island. Each territory is assigned an ANSI County Code in INCITS 31:2009, and may be individually identified through a combination of the ANSI State Code (74 or UM) and the appropriate ANSI County Code.
  3. Independent nation that operates under a Compact of Free Association with the United States of America.

State FIPS Codes for the Individual Minor Outlying Island Territories
Area Name State FIPS Code
Baker Island 81
Howland Island 84
Jarvis Island 86
Johnston Atoll 67
Kingman Reef 89
Midway Islands 71
Navassa Island 76
Palmyra Atoll 95
Wake Island 79

Voting Districts

2020 Census codes for Voting Districts sorted by "STATEFP" then "COUNTYFP" and then "VTDST".

Field Name Field Description Example
STATE State postal abbreviation MD
STATEFP State FIPS code 24
COUNTYFP County FIPS code 009
COUNTYNAME County name and legal/statistical area description Calvert County
VTDST State assigned voting district code 01-001
VTDNAME Voting district name and legal/statistical area description Calvert Precinct 01-001

Page Last Revised - May 1, 2023
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