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The April 2011 American Community Survey Internet Test: Attitudes and Behavior Study Follow up


In April 2011, the U.S. Census Bureau conducted the 2011 American Community Survey (ACS) Internet Test to evaluate the feasibility of providing an Internet reporting option to addresses selected for the ACS (Tancreto, Zelenak, Davis, Ruiter, & Matthews, 2012). In addition to the production sample which did not receive an Internet reporting option, four experimental treatments or notification strategies were designed to test different ways to inform potential respondents of the Internet option. Two "Push" strategies directed respondents to use the Internet option (by providing only the Internet option in the initial mailing package) and the other two "€œChoice" strategies offered the Internet and a paper form as alternate choices. The main objective of that test was to determine the best way to present the Internet mode in the ACS mailings to maximize self-response.

Within approximately three weeks of the April Internet Test, the Census Bureau conducted a study called the Internet Follow-up (IFU) to collect qualitative feedback on the mailing materials used in the test, to learn preferences with regard to reporting via the Internet, and to understand the reasoning behind the selection of mode of response (or the decision not to respond.) The results for this portion of the IFU, called the Attitudes and Behavior Study (ABS), are reported here.

Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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