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It’s Family Time! Parent-Child Interactions by Race and Hispanic Origin Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic

Working Paper Number: SEHSD WP2023-08/SIPP WP306


Parental involvement activities, such as sharing family dinners, going on outings, or reading to children, have numerous positive effects for both children and parents. Yet, families face significant socioeconomic constraints associated with time, human capital, finances, and living arrangements for engaging with children often. This research addresses the gap in the literature by studying the associations of specific U.S. parental involvement activities by socioeconomic characteristics, while also analyzing differences by race and Hispanic origin. This study also examines whether the COVID-19 pandemic changed the relationships between each characteristic and parental engagement. I use descriptive statistics and regression models to evaluate data from the 2018 and 2021 Survey of Income and Program Participation. 

A deck of Power Point slides and a poster, both presented at the PAA 2023 conference, accompany this working paper.

Page Last Revised - April 4, 2023
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