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Understanding and Using American Community Survey Data: What Federal Agencies Need to Know

The American Community Survey (ACS) is the nation’s premier source of detailed social, economic, housing, and demographic characteristics for local communities. The ACS is unique among U.S. household surveys because of its size, breadth of measurement, provision of annual estimates for small geographic areas, and extensive use by a wide range of government and nongovernmental organizations. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that 132 programs used census data—including data from the ACS—to distribute more than $675 billion in funds during fiscal year 2015.  Federal agencies rely on the ACS to help them make operational decisions, including managing and evaluating programs, determining eligibility for programs, and benchmarking other statistics.

This handbook describes how analysts, program administrators, and policymakers within federal agencies can use the ACS in carrying out the business of their agencies.

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Page Last Revised - October 7, 2024
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