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About 2020 Census Data Products

Many 2020 Census data products are now available, and we plan to release the remaining data products by September 2024.

We are moving deliberately to ensure that we produce the high-quality statistics that the public expects. The pandemic delayed our operations, and we have worked diligently to implement new confidentiality protections.

Below are descriptions of these products, including their planned lowest level of geography covered and release dates. These data products are for public use and may be accompanied by graphs, maps, reports, and results in other forms.

A few notes:

  • In developing the data products, we have taken the time to balance data confidentiality, data accuracy, and data availability.
  • We determined the final content for these products based on data user feedback and new disclosure avoidance system development and testing. More information is available on the Developing the DAS: Demonstration Data and Progress Metrics webpage.
  • We will continue to update this webpage as information becomes available.

2020 Census Apportionment Results

Apportionment is the process of dividing the 435 memberships, or seats, in the U.S. House of Representatives among the 50 states. At the conclusion of each decennial census, the results are used to calculate the number of seats to which each state is entitled.

  • Subjects: Resident population, overseas population, and apportionment population
  • Geographic Detail: 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico
  • Access: 2020 Census Apportionment Results
  • Release date: Released April 26, 2021

Redistricting Data Summary File (P.L. 94-171)

Public Law 94-171 directs the Census Bureau to provide the data that may be used for redistricting to the governors and the officers or public bodies having responsibility for redistricting in each of the 50 states.

This product is the first from the 2020 Census that includes demographic and housing characteristics about detailed geographic areas including states, counties and places.

  • Subjects: Voting age, race, Hispanic or Latino origin, housing occupancy status, group quarters population by major group quarters type
  • Lowest level of geography: Census block
  • Access: FTP site in August (links to data files and support materials are available on the Decennial Census P.L. 94-171 Redistricting Data Summary Files page); data.census.gov on September 16
  • Date: Released on FTP August 12, 2021; the same data released on data.census.gov on September 16, 2021

Demographic Profile

This product provides selected demographic and housing characteristics about the nation and local communities.

  • Subjects: Age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino origin, household type, relationship to householder, group quarters population, housing occupancy, and housing tenure.
  • Access: data.census.gov. Direct links to national and state-level tables are available on the Demographic Profile webpage.
  • Lowest level of geography: Tracts. 
  • Release date: May 25, 2023.
  • Data Table Guide: Includes the final list of tables, lowest level of geography by table and table shells.
  • Equivalent 2010 Census product: The 2020 Census Demographic Profile is very similar to the 2010 Census Demographic Profile. The content is the same except for a few statistics related to household size that are planned for inclusion in the Supplemental Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (S-DHC).

Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (DHC)

This product provides detailed demographic and housing characteristics about the nation and local communities. We encourage data users to aggregate small populations and geographies to improve accuracy and diminish implausible results.

  • Subjects: Age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino origin, household type, family type, relationship to householder, group quarters population, housing occupancy, and housing tenure.
  • Access: data.census.gov. Direct links to popular tables are available on the DHC webpage.
  • Lowest level of geography: Varies, with many tables available for census blocks.
  • Release date: May 25, 2023.
  • Data Table Guide: Includes the list of tables, lowest level of geography by table, and table shells.
  • Equivalent 2010 Census product: The 2010 Census Summary File 1 is the closest equivalent to the DHC. For information about these differences between these products, visit the DHC webpage.

Congressional District Summary Files

This product retabulates Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (DHC) tables for selected summary levels related to the 118th Congressional and 2022 State Legislative Districts. If states report additional changes for future congressional sessions (e.g., 119th, 120th, etc.), the Census Bureau will regenerate the tables using the new boundaries. If no changes for a future session are reported, the previously generated congressional district file is used as both its original and subsequent congressional session product and no re-tabulation is created.

  • Subjects: Age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino origin, household type, family type, relationship to householder, group quarters population, housing occupancy and housing tenure.

  • Access: data.census.gov.

  • Geographies: Congressional districts, state legislative districts and other selected geographies.

  • Release date: August 31, 2023.

Detailed Demographic and Housing Characteristics File A (Detailed DHC-A)

  • Subjects: Population counts and sex by age statistics for approximately 1,500 detailed racial and ethnic groups, such as German, Lebanese, Jamaican, Chinese, Native Hawaiian, and Mexican, as well as American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) tribes and villages like the Navajo Nation.
  • Access: data.census.gov. Direct links to popular tables and summary file tables are available on the Detailed DHC-A webpage
  • Geographies: Nation, state, county, places (cities and towns), census tracts, and American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian (AIANNH) areas. Please note, the amount of data available for the detailed racial and ethnic groups and AIAN tribes and villages depends on their population size within a specific geography. This approach allows the Census Bureau to produce as much detail as possible while ensuring strong confidentiality protections.
  • Release date: September 21, 2023.
  • Detailed Race and Ethnicity Crosswalk 2010 to 2020: Outlines which codes were used to tabulate each group in the 2010 Census and 2020 Census.
  • Equivalent 2010 Census product: The Detailed DHC-A (in combination with the forthcoming Detailed DHC-B) is the successor to the 2010 Census Summary File 2 and the 2010 Census American Indian and Alaska Native Summary File.

Detailed Demographic and Housing Characteristics File B (Detailed DHC-B)

  • Subjects: Household type and tenure information for the same detailed race and ethnicity groups and American Indian and Alaska Native tribes and villages mentioned for the Detailed DHC-A. 

  • Access: data.census.gov.

  • 2020 geographies: Nation, state, county, places (cities and towns), census tracts, and American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian (AIANNH) areas.

  • Planned release date: August 1, 2024. 

Supplemental Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (S-DHC)

The S-DHC tables reflect especially complex relationships between the characteristics about households and the people living in them. These complex characteristics supplement the data about households and people available in the DHC product. We often refer to these tables as “complex person-household join tables” or “join tables.”  Some tables are repeated by race and ethnicity.

  • Subjects: Data that combine characteristics about households and the people living in them, including the total population in households, average household size by age and tenure, average family size, household and family type for people under 18 years old, and total population in households by tenure. 

  • Access: data.census.gov.

  • 2020 geographies: Nation, state.

  • Planned release date: September 19, 2024.  

Privacy-Protected Microdata Files (PPMF)

These Privacy-Protected Microdata Files (PPMF) will come from the production run of the DHC, which incorporates all data included in the 2020 Census Redistricting Data (P.L. 94-171) Summary File. The PPMF will consist of separate files for people and housing units. The PPMF provide the complete set of privacy-protected records. The precursor to the PPMF – the 2010 Census Public Use Microdata Sample – provided a 10 percent sample of the records.

  • Subjects: All subjects in the DHC release.

  • Access: ftp.census.gov

  • Proposed 2020 geographies: The files will include block geocode identifiers enabling data users to generate custom tabulations for numerous geographic levels. 

  • Release date: August 5, 2024 (tentative).

Press Release
Census Bureau Provides Update on Remaining 2020 Census Data Products
The U.S. Census Bureau today provided an update on the final three data products from the 2020 Census.

Press Release
Census Bureau Announces Release Date for 2020 Census Data Product on Race and Ethnicity
Provides population counts and sex-by-age statistics for approx. 1,500 detailed race and ethnic groups and detailed AIAN tribes and villages.

Press Release
Census Bureau Announces Schedule Updates for 2020 Census Data Products
The Census Bureau plans to release the Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (DHC) and Demographic Profile on May 25. 

Press Release
Next 2020 Census Data Products to be Released in 2023
The U.S. Census Bureau today announced revised release dates for the next set of 2020 Census data products.

Random Samplings Blog
2020 Census Data Products: Next Steps for Data Releases
This blog provides an update on the schedule and next steps for the release of the Demographic Profile, the DHC, and the Detailed DHC product.

Random Samplings Blog
Producing Detailed Racial, Ethnic and Tribal Data from the 2020 Census
In this blog, we describe our current plans for developing and releasing these statistics and plans for other statistics in the Detailed DHC.

Random Samplings Blog
Upcoming 2020 Census Data Products
We’ve now released the apportionment counts and redistricting data — the first two waves of 2020 Census results. But we’re just getting started.

Page Last Revised - July 10, 2024
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