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From The American Presidency Project, Proclamation 6321—National Senior Citizens Day, 1991:
"Many a poet and philosopher has reverently described it as ‘the autumn of life,’ or the rich twilight that eventually follows the glorious day of youth. Today, however, millions of American seniors are changing the way we view old age. Far from fading into the sunset, these men and women are serving as brilliant points of light in their communities. They are serving others through a host of volunteer programs and personal acts of kindness; they are sharing their ample knowledge and experience in the workplace; and they are quietly enriching their families with a wealth of love and wisdom. Across the United States, older Americans are proving that the senior years -- like any other season in life -- hold great opportunities and rewards of their own.”
From Library / Census Infographics & Visualizations / Census Interactive Gallery:
Note: Click on the image above to open the interactive page. You may select year 2020, 2010, or 2000 – the past 3 decennial censuses – and geography from nation down to county.
Source: Population Projections.
Note: Click the images above for high-resolution PDFs.
From / Topics / Population:
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division.
Source: 2021 American Community Survey (ACS) 1-year estimates.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2020 Census Demographic Profile
Source: 2017 National Population Projections Tables: Main Series, Projections for the United States: 2017-2060.
From the Library: > America Counts: Stories Behind the Numbers:
From the Newsroom: