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2010 Census Program for Evaluations and Experiments (CPEX)

The 2010 Census Program for Evaluations and Experiments (CPEX) was designed to document and evaluate the 2010 Census programs and operations, as well as test new methods that were suggested from previous evaluation work. Results from the 2010 CPEX served as the background or basis from which the 2020 Census was designed, tested, and implemented.

In August 2006, members of the Census Bureau's executive staff formed an Executive Steering Committee to provide overall direction for 2010 CPEX planning and implementation. The 2010 CPEX Executive Steering Committee identified and recommended 2010 CPEX research topics, with assistance from external statistical agencies.

The list of critical research topics was distributed to staff with a request to propose studies to be included in the 2010 CPEX. Each proposed study was briefed to the 2010 Census Integration Group to determine if the study was sufficiently addressing one or more of the prescribed research questions. With the 2010 Census Integration Group's approval, study plans were finalized and work began.

Once the results for each study were drafted, the study reports were distributed to subject matter experts for critical review. Subject matter experts throughout the Census Bureau provided comprehensive comments related to the report's design and methodology.

Once the results were critically reviewed, they were presented to the Executive Steering Committee for the 2010 Census Assessments and Research, which comprised of Associate Directors and Division Chiefs from relevant areas within the Census Bureau. With the approval of this Executive Steering Committee, results were finalized for release.

For additional information on the review process mentioned above, see the Quality Process Handbook.

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Page Last Revised - September 13, 2022
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